Sunday, March 22, 2009

Held Up By Many Hands

From the Word:

Click and Read Exodus 17:8-16

Key Verses:

As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle. Exodus 17:11-13 (NLT)

The garage door goes up. My minivan drives in. The garage door goes down.

I don't interact much with my immediate neighbors. We all drive in to our garages and disappear into our homes. We occasionally knock on each other's doors to hand the mail that was delivered to the wrong box, but that's about it.

I'm sure my neighborhood isn't unique. Today, face to face interaction is becoming old fashioned. We read each other's blogs and catch up on Facebook or Twitter. We "talk" to each other through text messages. It's convicting that I know more about the contestants on Biggest Loser than I know about the young family that lives across the street from me.

We are an affluent society. We are technologically advanced. We are lonely.

God did not design us to be isolated and alone. He designed us to need Him and need each other. We are made for communion with God and fellowship with one another. But reaching out to people, developing and maintaining relationships and friendships, requires commitment, risk taking, time, confidence, and work. There are so many things that can get in the way. Being alone can be the easiest and most comfortable, if not satisfying, choice to make.

I am so blessed to be able to say I have amazing girl friends, and as a family we have wonderful friends that enrich our lives, but my husband and I will be the first to admit we have the tendency to be lazy friends in return. Often, we allow busyness, distractions, time, distance, etc. keep us from prioritizing those relationships and doing what is necessary to maintain those friendships. It is easy to take those friendships for granted. That is until life throws you a curve ball and those amazing friends are there to hold you up, like Aaron and Hur held Moses up.

Life is hard. Ministry can be exhausting. We NEED support. Real life, face to face friendships must be a priority in our lives. Those friendships need to be prioritized, maintained, and nurtured long before you need them in crisis. Trying to serve God as a lone ranger doesn't work. Moses needed help. We need help. Pastor Bob says that when Christians go off on their own they "get weird." It's humorous, but true. We can't be all that God called us to be when we are alone.

Personal Application:
Spend time in prayer thanking God for the people in your life. Ask him to reveal to you ways that you can enrich the relationships you have and to find friendships where they are lacking in your life. Pray that he will reveal ways that you need to step out of your comfort zone in order to maintain or develop fellowship in your life.

There are many enemies to fellowship. Here are a few:

- apathy
- insecurity
- gossip
- jealousy
- fear
- busyness
- computer and technology taking away from real life friendships/relationships
- unreasonable expectations
- pettiness
- lack of forgiveness
- self-centerdness
- not making it a priority

Take an honest inventory of your life this week and look for ways to make people a priority. Ask for God's wisdom and provision.

One of the very best ways to get fellowship is to attend a women's Bible study. Here's a link to the current Bible studies that Calvary offers for women. They are all wonderful. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and get plugged in with other women who can support you, help you know more about the Bible, and can point your heart to Jesus. It may take several weeks before you feel at home, but it will be worth the effort and will feel more and more comfortable the longer you go.

If female friendship has been a source of pain in the past, ask God for healing and trust him to help you trust again.

More of God's Word:
1. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! … Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. -Ecclesiastes 4:10- 11 (NIV)

2. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
-John 13:34-35 (NIV)


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