Sunday, December 7, 2008

Worshipping the Maker of the Stars

"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." - Matthew 2:2

Christmas is on its way! Preparations for the season are happening around my house, too. I'm excited to have my Christmas cards ready to go weeks earlier than I did last year, and my husband and I are working through our shopping list. Only a few more gifts to go! I love Christmas, and I'm having so much fun.

But as much fun as it will be to bake gingerbread cookies with my mom while she's visiting this week, or decorating our tree on Tuesday night, I know preparing for Christmas needs to start in my heart. These traditions and memory making things are great, but this year I want to make worship a top priority.

These videos came to my email inbox just in time to help me with that priority. I hope you'll watch them, too. I'm praying they will touch your heart as much as they did mine. They left me in awe of how great God really is and in awe of what Christmas means. This great God, the One who is beyond all we can comprehend, came to Earth as a tiny baby to give us hope. The God who created the stars, cares about little me and little you. How small we are, yet how great is His love and faithfulness. Worship Him!

This is only Part One and Part Two of a five part series. Here are links to view the message in its entirety:

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

I hope you have a wonderful week worshipping our great God!


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